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The Leverage Devotional by Apostle Segun Obadje 14 August 2024: Where Do You Go To Church?

Leverage Devotional For Today Message:

Where you go to church is a defining factor in your life. The series of events that will spell out your life will emanate from your church. Why is this so? It is so because the seed of God’s Word that determines everything about your life is sown or planted where you go to church. You’d better go to church at the right place, else you would be redefining your life against God’s design for you. According to God’s welfare plan for His church, every believer must belong to a local assembly (church) where they will be pastored by shepherds (pastors) after His heart (Jeremiah 3:15). Church is the family of God (Ephesians 3:14-15). There is no responsible child that doesn’t belong to a family. The local assembly to which a believer belongs is where he or she is fed, loved, guided and guarded. It is also a place of learning and training. Church is the right environment for you to grow, develop and mature into the fullness of Christ. You find your purpose for living as you settle down in church to live, serve and participate.



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The choice of which church to go must not be a frivolous one. You must prayerfully and meticulously make your choice of your church family because it determines your outcomes in life. Interestingly, it is God who makes this choice for us. The believer only goes where the Lord leads him to attend. We don’t choose church due to proximity, affinity or personal preferences, for it is God who sets the solitary in families. You must prayerfully consider a church where the Word is taught and practised as a culture. Charity begins at home. We train for life and destiny in church. Faithfulness, punctuality, service, team spirit, responsibility, etc., all form in you a habit of excellence that will reflect in all you do everywhere you go. Be faithful in church!


Heavenly Father, I thank You for showing me the importance of going to church at the right place. It is my uttermost desire to follow Your plan for me as touching church attendance. I am glad You will always lead me, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN.


Further Meditation: Psalm 68:6; Acts 2:42-47; Colossians 3:23

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Leverage Devotional 2024 Devotional was written by Apostle Segun Obadje (ph.D),  the Set Man of God’s Love Tabernacle International Church. He is a New Testament Apostle and Teacher of the Word of God’s Grace and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. 

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