Faith Zone

The Leverage Devotional by Apostle Segun Obadje 4 FEBRUARY 2024: PROSPERITY IN THREE REALMS

Leverage Devotional For Today Message:

There are three realms of prosperity just as there are three realms of existence. Man exists in three realms; the spirit realm, the soulish realm and the physical realm. So, prosperity exists in those three realms. Spiritual prosperity is knowing God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, getting born again and having the knowledge of God in your spirit in order for you to fellowship with God. Spiritual prosperity is having the peace of God in your heart through what Christ has done for you, and knowing that your sins are forgiven and you are justified. There is remission of sins, your sins are blotted out and you have peace with God: this is called spiritual prosperity. If a man is not born again, then he doesn’t have peace with God and he is not prospering spiritually. When that kind of man dies without being born again, he goes to hell; that’s terrible. That’s why the most important dimension of prosperity is spiritual. You need to be born again, you need to know the Lord have a personal walk with Him, and let your fellowship with God be rich and enriched by the light and knowledge of God’s Word in your spirit.

The second dimension of prosperity is prosperity of the soul, which has to do with your mind being renewed. This means you’re walking in a renewed mind and an enlightened mind by God’s word; no worldliness or corruption in your mind. You have your mind renewed by the Word of God. You’re walking in peace with people (Hebrews 12:14). Your social life is blessed and enriched. You’re not walking in bitterness, strife and unforgiveness with people. This is what it means to prosper in your soul. The third dimension of prosperity is physical prosperity, which has to do with healing of your body, walking in health and in physical, material or financial prosperity. To prosper physically means that you are prospering in your health and you’re prospering in your finances. God wants you to have prosperity in these three realms of life.

My Solid Front (Confession)
Heavenly Father, I thank You for opening my eyes to see that I can prosper in all three realms of existence. I therefore declare that I enjoy all-round prosperity in my spirit, soul and body in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Meditation: Psalm 84:11; Isaiah 45:3, 14

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Leverage Devotional 2024 Devotional was written by Apostle Segun Obadje (ph.D),  the Set Man of God’s Love Tabernacle International Church. He is a New Testament Apostle and Teacher of the Word of God’s Grace and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. 

1 thought on “The Leverage Devotional by Apostle Segun Obadje 4 FEBRUARY 2024: PROSPERITY IN THREE REALMS”

  1. Pingback: The Leverage Devotional by Apostle Segun Obadje 5 FEBRUARY 2024: THE ALMIGHTY FORMULA OF PROSPERITY – Faith Zone

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