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The Leverage Devotional by Apostle Segun Obadje 5 August 2024: The Gospel: Not Only in Word But Also in Power

Leverage Devotional For Today Message:

The Gospel message is the answer to all the woes and challenges of man. There is no problem that does not have its solution in the Gospel. Every need is met in the Gospel. The Gospel is good news unto all. Salvation, God’s conclusive and inclusive provision for all of man’s needs, is the message and proclamation of the Gospel. Romans 1:16 tells us that the Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation. When the Gospel is preached, the power of God is made available to perform whatever it says or claims. In our opening verse in 1 Thessalonians 1:5, the Holy Spirit through Apostle Paul reveals that the Gospel is not in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance, via the manifestation of the power of God.



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When you teach the Word of God that people have been made whole by the stripes of Christ, don’t just speak and look at them, you ought to also minister healing to them! There is such a thing as the demonstration of the Spirit and the power of God in line with what God has done as contained in the Gospel. The Bible tells us that the Kingdom of God is not in word only but in power also (1 Corinthians 4:20). When Paul taught and revealed Jesus at Lystra (Acts 14:7-10), the Bible tells us that a man who was born lame heard Paul preach the Gospel and when Paul perceived that he had faith to be healed, he said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on thy feet”. That’s the vital side of grace, the demonstration of what he had taught them. When the Gospel is preached or taught, miracles happen to reveal the power of the Gospel. Go beyond just saying things or preaching the Word of God. Demonstrate the truth of the Gospel you speak or know by the power of God. Be bold to declare the Gospel! Let the power inherent in the Gospel be made manifest. The Gospel is not mere words; it is the power of God unto salvation. When you speak or teach the Word, expect a miracle to happen! Trust the Spirit of God to confirm the Word with signs following. Understand that we have not followed cunningly devised fables. This Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation!

MY SOLID FRONT (CONFESSION): I declare in the Name of Jesus, that I walk in the demonstration of the Holy Spirit as I preach the Gospel. I do not just preach; my words are backed up with power in Jesus’ Name, for I preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!!!

Further Meditation: Matthew 4:23, 8:16-17

Thank you for receiving God’s word. Kindly send in your testimonies, questions and prayer requests to

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Leverage Devotional 2024 Devotional was written by Apostle Segun Obadje (ph.D),  the Set Man of God’s Love Tabernacle International Church. He is a New Testament Apostle and Teacher of the Word of God’s Grace and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. 

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