Faith Zone

The Leverage Devotional by Apostle Segun Obadje 25 July 2024: The Integrity of God’s Word

Leverage Devotional For Today Message:

Understanding the integrity of God’s Word is the sure foundation of faith. The question of whether people believe God or not is resolved when they know that God cannot lie. Everyone finds it effortlessly easy to trust in integrity. If you knew God cannot lie, and that He says what He means and means what He says, you would trust Him through and through till the very end of time and even for eternity. You would go out of your way to act upon His Word with a restful faith. When it’s hard to believe God, it is always traceable to the question of the integrity of the Word. Once the question of the integrity of God’s Word is answered, faith becomes an expression of confidence in God. Therefore, the subject of the integrity of the Word is very important to solving the problem of doubt in the Body of Christ, for you can only doubt the one whose integrity is uncertain, unknown, or questionable. Many who doubt God are ignorant of the integrity of the Word. The Word has been tried seven times, and found pure, holy and with absolute integrity (Psalm 12:6).

The Word of God has one hundred percent integrity in that it is reliable, and you can build your life on it. Isaiah 55:10-11 says, “For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” It is clear from this portion of Scriptures that God’s Word cannot fail. The Word will accomplish what God pleases and will prosper in the thing to which God sent it. Anything that lacks capacity to fail has integrity. God’s Word has integrity because it lacks capacity to fail. The Word of God carries within it the power to accomplish its goal and prosper on its assignment. So, you can rely on the Word of God. God’s Word will always accomplish what He sent it to do. Now that you know that the Word cannot fail, you know that it can be trusted and believed. You don’t have any reason to doubt God because His Word cannot fail. It will prosper and succeed in its mission. Hallelujah!!!


In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare that I believe in the integrity of God’s Word. I know that God’s Word can never fail; therefore, I build my life on the Word. I profit by the Word as I express absolute reliance upon the Word in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Titus 1:2; Psalms 110:4a

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Leverage Devotional 2024 Devotional was written by Apostle Segun Obadje (ph.D),  the Set Man of God’s Love Tabernacle International Church. He is a New Testament Apostle and Teacher of the Word of God’s Grace and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. 

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