Kenneth Copeland Book – You are Healed!

Why This Kenneth Copeland Book – You are Healed! ?

Have you ever wondered about the profound desire of GOD for the well-being of humanity? Delve into the depths of God’s heart as it echoes with the resounding cry: ‘I want My people well.’ Within the pages of this enlightening exploration, discover the covenant, the sacred promise, that God has bestowed upon those who dare to believe. Through meticulous examination rooted in the scriptures, Kenneth Copeland unveils the timeless truth that healing is not just a possibility, but a certainty.

Embark on a transformative journey through this comprehensive Bible-based study, where every word is a revelation, every passage a testament to the boundless compassion of the Divine. Feel the weight of the promise as it resonates through the ages, echoing from the moment of creation to the present day.

Experience the power of faith as it intertwines with the divine plan, shaping destinies and rewriting narratives. With each turn of the page, witness the irrefutable evidence that ‘by His stripes,’ healing is not just a distant hope, but a tangible reality awaiting those who dare to believe. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of divine healing and step into a life of wholeness?

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