Faith Zone

The Leverage Devotional by Apostle Segun Obadje 7 September 2024: The Spirit of Faith

Leverage Devotional For Today Message:

The Spirit of God communicates the spirit of faith. This explains why as believers we all have the same spirit of faith. The Word declares; “We, having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (II Corinthians 4:13). The spirit of faith is that which effects changes in the physical realm. The spirit of faith talks from within you without any iota of doubt in your heart. It is the spirit of faith that was at work when God spoke in the beginning in the creation of the heaven and the earth. It is the spirit of faith that was at work in the earthly ministry of Jesus. He effected changes everywhere He went, by the Words He spoke. It is by the same spirit of faith that the believer will get results here on earth, today (Mark11:23).



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The spirit of faith is the product of a fully persuaded heart, that is, the kind that does not speak with any doubt or unbelief in the heart. The spirit of faith is contacted by the continuous use of the word of faith. How does the spirit of faith work? Believe and then speak. You see, in the operation of the spirit of faith, believing comes before speaking. The spirit of faith speaks from a persuaded heart of faith. However, there is a connection between the spirit of faith and the word of faith. The Word of faith speaks first and then believes. When you begin to use the word of faith by speaking the Word of God to yourself consistently, the spirit of faith will take you over (Romans 10:8-10). Beloved, you can activate the spirit of faith by speaking the word of faith to yourself again and again until you are fully persuaded like Abraham.


Heavenly Father, I thank You that I am one Spirit with You. I declare that Your Word will never depart from my lips. I commit myself to speaking Your Word ceaselessly, thereby activating the spirit of faith in me, in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

Further Meditation: Romans 4:17‐22; Matthew 8:8‐13

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Leverage Devotional 2024 Devotional was written by Apostle Segun Obadje (ph.D),  the Set Man of God’s Love Tabernacle International Church. He is a New Testament Apostle and Teacher of the Word of God’s Grace and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. 

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