Redeemed Hymn – 3 From All the Dangers of the Night

Redeemed Hymn – 3 From All the Dangers of the Night

“I laid me down and slept; I awaked, for the LORD sustained me.” Psalms 3:5

1 From all the dangers of the night

Jesus my Lord protects

Am privilege to see this light

I kneel to worship Thee.


2 Jesus my Lord keep me today

Protect me in Thy hands

It is only those thou keepest

That are safe from danger.

3 Let my speech and my behaviour

Depict that I am Thine

So much that Thy great light of truth

May shine thro’ out the earth


4 O let me not depart from Thee

Thou, oh my Saviour dear

Until I see with mine own eyes

Thy glorious face at last.


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