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The Leverage Devotional by Apostle Segun Obadje 2 September 2024: Mortify Your Body

Leverage Devotional For Today Message:

To mortify means to ‘deaden’, that is, to ’cause to be dead’. When we got saved, our physical appearance didn’t change. We didn’t get taller; our hair didn’t get longer. It was our spirit that God saved. Our bodies still long for the things that please them, but the man on the inside has taken on a new nature; he is born anew. It was the real man within, the spirit man, the inward man, the man of the heart who got born again. The body did not get born again (II Corinthians 5:17; John 3:6). If you are born again, the desires of your body don’t tally with that of your spirit. Hence, there is a constant discord between your spirit and body. This discord is not a sign that you are not born again; it only means your body is not born again. However, it is possible to stop the body from desiring ungodly things. This is done by engaging the principle of use and disuse.



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According to Biology, any part of the human body that is not used becomes weak and eventually useless. For this reason, people in comas are exercised daily. If not, the muscles will become deaden and useless. Whatever you engage in active use becomes stronger, and whatever you don’t engage in active use becomes weaker. In the same vein, we can deaden our bodily desires for ungodly things by not engaging in unrighteousness. When someone offends you and your body wants to react in an ungodly way, resist it by speaking God’s Word to yourself not to respond to unrighteousness. Whenever your body wants to sin, refuse to yield any of your members as an instrument of unrighteousness. Before long, your body will begin to adjust to the life of God in your spirit. The urge to lie, to retaliate, to lust begins to wane as it gives way to the life of God in you (Romans 6:12-23). Put the Word to practice and you’ll live strong and healthy spiritually.

Father, I thank You because I am a new man in Christ Jesus. I walk in the reality of this as I mortify the deeds of my flesh by the help of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.


Further Meditation: Romans 12:1‐2; I Corinthians 14:1‐4

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Leverage Devotional 2024 Devotional was written by Apostle Segun Obadje (ph.D),  the Set Man of God’s Love Tabernacle International Church. He is a New Testament Apostle and Teacher of the Word of God’s Grace and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. 

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