Faith Zone

Redeemed Hymn – 19 The Heavenly Host Are All Astir

“And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth-Rev. 19.6

1. The heavenly host are all astir.

The angels take up their harps

The saints all set with their voices

To join the glorious worship

Our God’s day of rest has now come

It is a most glorious day

Heaven is filled with joyful noises

How delightful their worship.


2 Let us join with the heavenly throng,

To praise God, He is our King,

Let us cleanse and prepare our hearts,

And sing with holy voices

Until we see the Lord our God,

Whom we worship face to face.

Ours can only be a foretaste

Of their rest in heav’n above


3.  And until then, let us go on

Worshipping on the Lords day

Let’s set aside our anxious cares

Invoke His presence ‘midst us

He has commanded so to do

His blessings He will bestow

Let us serve Him without fainting

He will surely reward us.


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