Faith Zone

The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 26 May 2024 – Reverence God Always

TOPIC: Reverence God Always

READ: Psalm 29: 1-11 (NKJV)

  1. Give unto the LORD, O you mighty ones, Give unto the LORD glory and strength.
  2. Give unto the LORD the glory due to His name; Worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.
  3. The voice of the LORD [is] over the waters; The God of glory thunders; The LORD [is] over many waters.
  4. The voice of the LORD [is] powerful; The voice of the LORD [is] full of majesty.
  5. The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars, Yes, the LORD splinters the cedars of Lebanon.
  6. He makes them also skip like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild ox.
  7. The voice of the LORD divides the flames of fire.
  8. The voice of the LORD shakes the wilderness; The LORD shakes the Wilderness of Kadesh.
  9. The voice of the LORD makes the deer give birth, And strips the forests bare; And in His temple everyone says, “Glory!”
  10. The LORD sat [enthroned] at the Flood, And the LORD sits as King forever.
  11. The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace.


David the writer of this psalm presented God who reveals Himself in so many ways, even in the storm. He invited all that God has created to worship and thank Him (verses 1&2). Though it is Trinity Sunday, this psalm manifests the oneness of God as against the false belief of the pagans who assigned a god to various manifestations of nature. In this Psalm, David invited all that God has created to worship the Creator and not the creature. He does this by identifying what God is capable of doing, what He has done and what He is going to do to deserve our praises (verses 3-11). Even in the midst of anguish and pain, God reveals Himself; where it looks very impossible, He still reveals Himself. So, for these reasons, no other deity deserves our praises and worship but God only.

Beloved, it is important we know that though the storm reveals the power of God, His power would bring peace to us if only we believe in Him. This is because peace will only come from the one who has power to control all things. So, in all we do, we must always recognise, adore, praise, worship and glorify God, for He is the only one who is worthy of all these.

PRAYER: Lord, please grant me the grace to always reverence You in all I do in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

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