Faith Zone

The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 2 March 2024 – Manifold Blessings

TOPIC: Manifold Blessings

READ: Psalm 65: 1-13 (NKJV)

  1. Praise is awaiting You, O God, in Zion; And to You the vow shall be performed.
  2. O You who hear prayer, To You all flesh will come.
  3. Iniquities prevail against me; [As for] our transgressions, You will provide atonement for them.
  4. Blessed [is the man] You choose, And cause to approach [You,] [That] he may dwell in Your courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Of Your holy temple.
  5. [By] awesome deeds in righteousness You will answer us, O God of our salvation, [You who are] the confidence of all the ends of the earth, And of the far-off seas;
  6. Who established the mountains by His strength, [Being] clothed with power;
  7. You who still the noise of the seas, The noise of their waves, And the tumult of the peoples.
  8. They also who dwell in the farthest parts are afraid of Your signs; You make the outgoings of the morning and evening rejoice.
  9. You visit the earth and water it, You greatly enrich it; The river of God is full of water; You provide their grain, For so You have prepared it.
  10. You water its ridges abundantly, You settle its furrows; You make it soft with showers, You bless its growth.
  11. You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip [with] abundance.
  12. They drop [on] the pastures of the wilderness, And the little hills rejoice on every side.
  13. The pastures are clothed with flocks; The valleys also are covered with grain; They shout for joy, they also sing.


Psalm 65 is another psalm written by David. It is a lyrical poem, that is, a psalm that can be said or sung. It begins with praises to God by describing Him as God of Grace (Psalm 65:1-4); God of Might (Psalm 65:5-8), and God of Prosperity (Psalm 65:9-13). The praises show God as He who answers prayers, forgives all sins, and grants blessedness to those who come to His presence. The psalm also portrays the mighty acts of God in their entirety,“to the ends of the earth”. Not only that, it describes the bountiful blessings of God.

God blesses us abundantly in so many ways – materially or through nature. He bestowed His blessings upon humanity through His grace which He offered to all mankind. Though we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3: 23), we have been justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ (Romans 3: 24). These blessings are what is keeping the world alive. However, the blessing of forgiveness is not automatic – we have to come to the fount flowing with the blood of Christ that cleanses and makes us whole. Have you praised God today for saving you and for all His manifold blessings?

PRAYER: Lord, lead me to the cleansing fount so I can be fit to praise You for Your manifold blessings.

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