Faith Zone

The Daily Fountain Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 15 April 2024 – Righteousness

TOPIC: Righteousness

READ: 1John 2:28-29(NKJV)
2:28.  And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.
2:29.  If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.


The corruption of man through sin in the Garden of Eden came to God with so much pain that he regretted making him (Gen. 6: 6). The chasing away from the Garden of Eden meant that sinful man was not worth being in relationship with a holy God. Although God almost immediately began with temporal measures for his restoration, yet man was counted as unworthy. At the fullness of time, God sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the cross and pay the debt of sin owed by man. 

This is so that His righteousness which man lost can be imputed back on him.No man is counted righteous before God by his own works (Eph.2: 9); it is the righteousness of Christ which has been imputed to us by our faith in Him that stands us righteous before God. This also should give a great confidence to anyone who has given his/her life to Christ that he/she is indeed a righteous person. However, as text clearly indicates, we must continually abide in Him knowing that He will come back someday to harvest us to Himself. We must not live our lives in any way that will make us ashamed before our Master when He comes.

PRAYER: Lord, may I continually count your righteousness imputed upon me as a great treasure. Help me to live as one born of you.

1 thought on “Anglican Devotional 15 April 2024: RIGHTEOUSNESS”

  1. Pingback: Anglican Devotional 17 April 2024: Expressed Love Faith Zone

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