Faith Zone

Redeemed Hymn – 10 There Is Sunshine in The Valley

“And the light shineth in darkness” John 1:3

1 There is sunshine is the valley,

There is sunshine on the hill

Jesus brought it to this darkened world below.

There is sunshine in the flowers

Blooming by the rippling till,

There is blessed sunshine ev’ry where I go.


Sunshine, sunshine of His love divine,

Sunshine, sunshine beams so brightly shine

Sunshine, sunshine, in this world below.

Sunshine, sunshine ev’ry where I go.

2 There is sunshine on the meadow,

And upon the mossy lane,

Where the birds are warbling notes of joy and praise

There is sunshine on the mountain,

There is sunshine on the plain,

Let all nature now the happy chorus praise.


3 Tho the world is full of sunshine

Brightly beaming ev’ry day.

There are souls who live in darkness all the while,

They have never heard of Jesus

Nor His tender, loving care,

Let us help and cheer them with a sunny smile.


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