Faith Zone

Redeemed Hymn – 70 O Lord My God! When Am in Awesome Wonder

“And all the angels stood round about the throne -Rev. 7:11

1 Father, before Thy throne of light,

The guardian angels bends,

And ever in Thy presence bright,

Their psalms adoring blend:

 And casting down each golden crown.

Beside the crystal sea,

With voice and lyre, in happy choir,

Hymn glory, Lord, to Thee.


2 And as the rainbow lustre falls

Athwart their glowing wings,

While Seraph unto Seraph calls,

And each Thy goodness mgs;

Oh may we feel, as low we kneel

To pray Thee for Thy grace,

That Thou art here, for all who fear

The brightness of Thy face.



3 Here, where the Angels see us come,

To worship day by day

Teach us to seek our heav’nly home,

And serve Thee e’en as they;

With them to raise our notes of praise,

With them Thy love to own;

Till life’s first flow’r and fullest pow’r,

Be Thine and Thine alone.


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